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Welcome to Gamer Goldies . Videogaming is a relatively newer concept in our historical timeline. The pioneers in this category are now the ...

Saturday, September 18, 2021


Welcome to Gamer Goldies. Videogaming is a relatively newer concept in our historical timeline. The pioneers in this category are now the older generation, who I happen to be a part of. While the majority of gamers today are no doubt between the ages of 18 and 34, there are still many old-timers actively participating in gaming. I do not give away my age when playing games because I have found that, as in most social interactions, people have a prejudice against older people for whatever reason. I don't understand why a person's age, when it comes to casual conversation or gaming with an individual must enter into it, but I have been "abandoned", for lack of a better term, by many after they discovered my general age, so I make an effort now not to reveal it.

I might understand it if you're on a dating site and communicating with a younger person who discovers your age and chooses to stop talking with you, but this is very different, as the whole concept for such a website is to actually meet people and form a romantic relationship, but what is the harm of gaming with someone or even having conversation? I have always enjoyed talking with younger folk and even older ones, which is getting more difficult to find every day, unfortunately.

So, if you feel as I do and are in the older generation among gamers, you have found a rare blog where you are very welcome. And if you are a younger gamer and have no prejudice for the older generation and actually feel you can learn a few things, you are most-welcome also.

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